Have data work to your advertising advantage with Digitalive

Get a thorough report on the performance of your digital assets with expert analysis and a clear-cut study summary, all based on your research indicators and campaign goals.

Request a study
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Digitalive illustration

Gain real market insights

Find out if, and how well, your digital advertising materials secure your campaign goals, strategic objectives, and unique, long-term KPIs with Digitalive.

Fill out the questionnaire, choose your preferred study method from a variety of options—or combine them all together—upload your digital assets, and receive an insightful review in no time.

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Dedicated to your success from day one

Dedicated to your success from day one

We realize how daunting it can feel going through hundreds of pages of raw data, reports, analyses, graphs, and charts. Pave asset reviews are always accompanied by straightforward summaries and clear descriptions, enabling you to take full advantage of our studies and research methods.

Once you receive a report, you can also schedule a meeting with one of our analysts to discuss the findings and establish further steps.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Advance your online marketing in just three simple steps

Thanks to our straightforward request form and asset review process, advanced marketing research has never been easier. Follow the steps below and get started today!

Fill out the questionnaire and provide all necessary information, such as your strategic goal, target market and audience, preferred review method(s), and more.

Upload all digital assets that you would like to review using the Digitalive system.

Detailed results of the Digitalive study will be available on your dashboard, including strategic recommendations and potential areas of improvement.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find out how to kickstart your Pave experience and learn more about our platform. If you didn’t find an answer to your question, feel free to reach out to us!

Pave is an innovative, semi-automated research platform for precise and quick asset performance testing on a global scale, providing invaluable data on the quality of your advertising materials to help you make better business decisions. Find out more here

At Pave, we specialize in reviewing just about any digital and offline asset. From testing landing pages and e-commerce content to reviewing POS materials and physical packaging, the breadth of options will help you optimize any marketing asset and maximize your advertising potential. Request a study now and see all options!

If you’re an existing user, log in and click “order a study” – you will be automatically redirected to the study submission form. If it is your first time using Pave, please verify your contact information first to receive a magic link to log in and access the study submission form. Click here to create an account and start reviewing!

If you’re an existing user, click the log-in button and confirm your e-mail address. Then, you will receive a magic link to access your dashboard.

If you’re a new user, please verify your contact information by creating an account. Once your information is confirmed, you will receive a magic link to access the dashboard. Click here to sign up!

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